As you were able to see in the recent posts winter came back to our corner of Germany with new snow fall and icy temperatures from the east. But fortunately in combination with great blue sky and sunshine from sunrise to sunset thereafter.
Last weekend we already had temperatures up to 17°C, so the very early spring flowers like crocuses and winter aconite (Winterling) already started flourishing.
Watch here: Welcome Spring. Goodbye winter.
But now most of them were covered by a layer of snow again.
Some lucky ones of them were able to break through it and stick their blossoms towards the sunlight.
winter aconite / Winterling [Eranthis hyemalis]
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But not only the spring flowers were dominated by the new snow - even the townscape / urban image and its "population" wears a new dress...
Statue of Knight Wolfgang Schutzbar, called Milchling, at a fountain in the marketplace of Bad Mergentheim; direkt in front of the church steeple and direct behind a wall of snow.
snow woman with suitable husband... ;-)
That must be heart breaking to see the flowers come up and bloom only to see them covered and surrounded with snow.
AntwortenLöschenBut it might be the snow has quickly melted and gone away. We still have some snow left here after it fell in such great amounts in February.
I think it will disappear today.
Hi Abraham,
AntwortenLöschenI hope and think, that the crocuses and the winter aconites are tough and restistant enough to withstand the snow and the icy temperatures for several days.
Fortunately no other spring flowers or tree blossoms (cherry, plum, magnolia or others) already opened their blooms; they obviously had a nose for the incessant winter this year...
Flowers in snow, I was moved...
AntwortenLöschenTHAT is what we call a winter, Nobu-san! And this winter is one of the longest, coldest and with a plenty lot of snow. Even in areas like ours, where we unually do not have too much snow during the winter season.
AntwortenLöschenIf I compare my winter photos to yours from Tokio or Chiba, I must note: The winter in your corner of planet Earth always shows a blue sky and - more or less - always sunshine. This is what we call SUMMER at Germany... ;-))
Hallo Uwe,
AntwortenLöschenein sehr lustiges Bild die Schneefrau mit Strohhut. Leider muss ich meinen Strohhut wohl auch bald wieder gegen eine Wollmuetze eintauschen. Ich will nicht mehr frieren! Wir haben uns das so schon ausgemalt, dass nach unserer Rueckkehr der Fruehling Einzug gehalten hat. Gruss Robert
Hallo Rob,
AntwortenLöschensitzt du gerade vor dem Rechner Vishnus oder Shivas und guckst so, wie es um Deutschland und seinen Wettererscheinungen geht?
Wenn ihr in Frankfurt seid und wieder in Funkreichweite seid, dann ruf' an, wann & wo wir euch abholen sollen.
Bis Morgen!
These are all the beautiful pictures of snow-falling and with all the frosted trees and snow-capped destinations with all the snow-covered roads and fresh stormy breezes. That is all fascinated and very adorable for sure.