Samstag, 19. Mai 2012

Husch, husch...

...Grüne Huschspinne in der Blüte eines Gelben Frauenschuhs!

Today I found a green huntsman spider in a blossom of a lady's slipper orchid.

Cypripedium calceolus plants you may not find too often. They are strictly protected in Germany.

I was really surprised to find a little (male) green huntsman spider inside the "yellow slipper".

"Olympus macro lens ---> Sony display ---> lady's slipper orchid" view

3 Kommentare:

  1. Thank you for Olympus macro lens,Sony display and you. Your photos are very beautiful. I've never seen Lady's slipper orchid. The spider is cool. He can get insects easily.

  2. I really liked your photos. At first, I thought the orchid contained a little green alien :)

  3. This ia an amazing orchid, never seen before and there is agreen bonus !
