Sonntag, 12. April 2015

Night frost magnolias in spring season 2015

This year's blossoming of the magnolia trees in Southern Germany was affected by two days of night frosts short prior the first magnolia buds opened.

This is what I've hoped to find...

...and this is what I found last week.

The closer I came to the magnolia blossoms, the more I was able to see that this spring season
there was a third colour next to pink and white: brown ;-((

Especially the magnolia trees at the climatically priviledged habitats were affected, because the April night frosts occured when the very first blossoms flourished.

 The laggards among the magnolia blossoms were not affected that much... all in all it really depended on the location and flourishing time of the magnolia trees
whether you were able to find a tree with ininjured flowers  - or not.

 But the cherry blossoms are great this season...
...but that's what I exhibit in my next post!

3 Kommentare:

  1. So schade ! Magnolienblueten sind einfach fantastisch schön und für mich das ultimative Zeichen das der Frühling angekommen ist. Und dann Apfelblüten ...und Primeln ...und Buschwindröschen...und überhaupt! Schöne Woche!

  2. It's the late bloomers that ultimately enjoy the greatest success - something nice to know in my advanced age!! :-)))

  3. Die Magnolien hab ich verpasst, die Kirschen auch und hab Dich schon die ganze Zeit um Deine Bilder beneidet :). Wenn man Zeit für Geld kaufen könnte, würd ich gern meinen ganzen Besitz verhökern. Der Regen gestern war auch ein Reinfall (nein, kein Rheinfall, wirklich nur ein feuchter Husch). Wie wars bei euch? Eine schöne Restwoche und LG Su
