Dienstag, 13. Mai 2014

Black and White fairy tale on the beach

Black-and-white photography.

On the beach.

At the northeasternmost tip of Germany. 

But that's not the type of black-and-white story I want to tell today.

Here's a more colourful version of black-and-white photographs taken on the beach...

Like in a fairy tale one morning on the beach
a beautiful young lady in an extraordinary white dress
went riding on her impressive deep black Friesian horse.

Unfortunately no noble prince was far and wide.

But this princess didn't look like she was waiting for a prince,
she was definitely happy all alone with her gorgeous horse
galloping along the sandy beach.

***   ***   ***   ***   ***

But one moment later,

the lady and her horse disappeared as fast as they emerged.

The beach was empty again

and only the cries of the black-headed gulls

broke the silence.

Was it real?

Or just a dream?

13 Kommentare:

  1. Nice to have you back! :) Beautiful photos! <3

  2. Welcome Back :o)

    Stunning scene beautifully interpreted.

    I have never seen this on our beach. Our horse riders are all wearing heavy coats against the cold!

  3. Hi Uwe,

    Glad you're back, I missed a few post... sorry! So I'm catching up on your posts. Stunning photography!!!

  4. Willkommen zurueck! Jetzt weiss ich auch wohin Du gereist bist.Wunderschoene Bilder und sehr poetisch interpretiert!

  5. Hey Uwe,
    na Blogpause genossen? Sieht fast so aus, ...bei den aussergewöhnlich hübschen Bildern!
    GLG, Brigitte

  6. Spectacular! This is right out of a fairy tale book, your pictures make this beauty look real! Such an impressive form of story telling Uwe, welcome back, your presence was missed.

  7. Anonym14/5/14

    Hallo Uwe,
    Danke für deinen netten Besuch in meinem Blog, tolle Bilder hast du mitgebracht ,freue mich noch mehr von dir zu sehen . Und viel Glück bei meiner Verlosung!
    Herzlichen Gruß , Patricia

  8. Your wonderful shots prove it was real. The mystery behind the images allows all of us to dream!

  9. Hallo Uwe,
    nun, ich tippe auf eine Hochzeitsszene, die in einer wunderbaren Kulisse steht! Toll, bin ganz begeistert, weil es so ungezwungen wirkt.

    Herzliche Grüßle von Heidrun

  10. Beautiful Uwe! I love the bird capture, and the rest are great too!

  11. Dear Uwe - How imaginative, inspirational, and clever! This B&W fairy tale is a favorite of my favorite fairy tales due to your brilliant storytelling and stunning photography.

