Sonntag, 9. Januar 2011

Dark tourism & Main river flood at Wertheim

"Es is uf der ganze Erde,
nergends schönner als in Werthe!"

--> Es ist auf der ganzen Erde nirgends schöner als in Wertheim!
--> Nowhere on Earth it's more beautifully than in Wertheim!

But certainly not today and tomorrow.

Today Wertheim was preparing for the flooding of its old town center.

While smaller rivers already crested their maximum water level, Germany's bigger rivers still have an increase of the water line.

That's a view on the river Main at the town of Wertheim on Sunday 9 January 2011. You can see the lampposts which normally stand along the waterfront of the Main.

Here's the driveway and subway for pedestrians to the parking area along the waterfront

House facades along the river Tauber, a tributary of the river Main, which has its mouth into the Main at Wertheim, too.

The THW - das Technische Hilfwerk - the German technical emergency service - supported together with volunteer fire brigades Wertheim's inhabitants with sandbags and flood barrieres.

In the town center they built up special footways so that the pedestrians will be able to walk through the town even when the pedestrian zone is underwater - this was expected for Monday early afternoon.

3 Kommentare:

  1. Anonym9/1/11

    Isn`t Venice? "Dark Tourism" - a new word for me. My favourite word this day is: "dogsbody" - translated by the magazine spotlight with "Depp vom Dienst". Do you guess, that this word is important for travelling, for example for CA or Spain?
    Have a good week
    Juan Carlos

  2. --> Nowhere on Earth it's more beautifully than in Wertheim!

    Is it?
    Oh come on! God won't like to hear this! This world is BEAUTIFUL!

  3. ...that's what was engraved on a wall of an ancient house at Wertheim.

    Believe it or not, dear friend.

    There's your truth,
    there's my truth
    and there's the truth.
