Mittwoch, 27. Januar 2010

The German winter is over...!

Yeah - great! 

This morning we had temperatures less than -15°C (+5°F) in our part of the planet Earth. This afternoon, right after 2 o'clock, wintertime stopped abruptly, the mercury of the thermometer rose dramatically and indicated more than +25°C (= +77°F)...!!!

S P R I N G T I M E !!!

Flowers start blossoming into a rave of colour,
birds start singing, ...

...and I woke up from a short daydream!

That's life!


 But the pictures from the spring flowers are real and from last weekend at Stuttgart market hall.
Hope, you like them...

4 Kommentare:

  1. thats the way I like it, soon we are going to France

  2. Well, I don´t know what´s going on up North there, but it´s definitely still Winter here in Reutlingen. Snowed everyday last week. But those are some pretty flowers nonetheless.

  3. Hi Jon, thanks for leaving a comment!

    As you might have read, I took the photos of these flowers at the Stuttgart market hall, which is not too far away from Reutlingen - approx. 40 km north of you location!
    So if you can afford to go to Stuttgart city center, don't miss the market hall (Markthalle) - you won't regret it!

    Regards, Uwe.
