Dienstag, 2. Juni 2009

Visitors from Arizona!

This unbelievable charming couple is Shirley & Ray from Tucson, Arizona.
They spent several weeks at the health resort of my hometown Bad Mergentheim for recreation.

We don't have guests from Arizona too often at Bad Mergentheim!

Three weeks ago me and my sweetness met them the first time in the little coffee bar STARLIGHT COFFEE (now they even offer a latte macchiato with soya milk for people with lactose intolerance!).
They approached me by saying: "Guten Tag! Do you speak English?"
And so we got into contact with each other.

Shirley and Ray both have German roots.
Their ancestors left Germany in 1838 respectively 1864.
They emigrated together with other crowds of Germans by sailing ship from Bremerhaven and traveled over the Atlantic Ocean to New Orleans. Further on they took a boat along the Mississippi and Ohio river to the Buckeye State of Ohio.
There most of the Germans settled down. Even nowadays more than 3 millions of Ohio's total population is estimated to have German ancestors.

In 1954 Shirley and Ray came to Germany the first time. Ray was called up for military service at the US Army forces at Baumholder (still one of the biggest US Army Garrisons in Germany).

During their time at Germany they married and - of course - learned German and discovered more about their German roots. 1956 they went back to the USA and later they let down in the State of Arizona.

I was really pleased to make the aquaintance of Shirley and Ray. They're both open-hearted and open-minded and really interested in everything what has to do with Germany and German culture.

Good luck to you and hope we meet again somewhere on this planet!

2 Kommentare:

  1. Anonym3/6/09

    Our Uwe,
    so kennen wir ihn: keine Hemmungen Leute anzusprechen. No scruple! Bin gespannt auf Zürich - get in touch with swiss people ...
    See you tomorrow!

  2. Es war genau umgekehrt, lieber see you tomorrow, WIR sind beim Kaffeetrinken angesprochen worden. Vermutlich, weil wir so extrem gut, vertrauenswürdig und seriös aussehen!;-)
    Und dabei war ich noch nicht einmal rasiert an diesem Tag...
    Bis Morgen!

