Montag, 21. September 2015

End of season sunflowers

Hi folks!
Did you have a nice and pleasant weekend?

After a challenging workweek, an ordinary Saturday and a pleasant encounter with some British friends at Rothenburg on Sunday morning; my sweetheart and I enjoyed a quiet and enjoyable Sunday afternoon.

Quite accidentally we stopped by a field where you can pick various flowers.

All the bigger sunflowers were already harvested,
but close to the ground or hidden behind some other field crops
I was able to find some scattered species.

 One of the small sunflowers I took with me and placed it on the front window of my car to get the car keys out of my trousers pocket...

..and last but not least we arranged one of the sunflower heads on a plate filled with water.

The late summer season is definitely one of the most beautiful and productive seasons for ambitious photographers of florets... :-)

11 Kommentare:

  1. Wo ist der Sommer nur so schnell hin? Schön das Du einen ruhigen und mit Blumen bestückten Sonntag hattest. Schöne Woche noch!

  2. I always hate to see the garden stop producing flowers.

  3. love the sunflowers. beautiful photos!

  4. They're gorgeous! I love sunflowers. They always make me happy.

  5. Sunflowers are one of my favorites. Thanks for sharing these lovely photos at

  6. Oh my friend Uwe! These are gorgeous photos! Sunflowers are my favorite flowers in the world because every single time I see one, it reminds me of my late mother. She adores Sunflowers! She even has a small collection of things with Sunflower designs :) Thank you so much this made me so happy :)


  7. Ich bin nicht bös, dass der Sommer vorbei ist, aber Sonnenblumen vermisse ich auch jedes Mal. Der einzige Trost ist, dass ihre braunen, verwelkten Köpfe im Winter die Stieglitze in den Garten locken :). LG Su

  8. What dreamy shots of season-end sunflowers! They look so gentle and soft, a little different from our common image of cheerful, bright sunflowers. Sunflower lid is a good idea.


  9. Hallo Uwe,
    wunderschön. Und noch eine letzte kleine Illusion von Sommer. Die Fotos sind super, was ja zu erwarten war, aber diesmal habe ich mich nicht in die Blumen, sondern in Deine Hintergründe verliebt - die Farben und der Blur sind einfach perfekt. Oder das Blur? Vermutlich gibt es auch ein deutsches Wort dafür, aber Unschärfe allein drückt die Wirkung nicht wirklich aus.

  10. Hi! Nice sunflower photos. Your flower arrangement is very nice in the last one. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Die Fotos sind einfach klasse!
    LG Mascha
