Sonntag, 3. Mai 2009

"Maikäfer flieg... ???"

1. Mai / May 1:
Opening ("inauguration" :-) of the breakfast season 2009 at the world's greatest
"inn in the meadows": UNTER DEN LINDEN
at the bottom of the mediaeval town of Rothenburg.

"Feierliche" Eröffnung der Frühstückssaison 2009 in der weltbesten
Wiesenwirtschaft UNTER DEN LINDEN
im (besser: zu Fuße) des mittelalterlichen Rothenburgs.

The breakfast buffet at "UNTER DEN LINDEN" left nothing to be desired.

When did you see/find your last "Maikäfer" (cockchafer / maybug)???

Several of them we found during a postprandial stroll through the forest. Although it's just beginning of May, the maybugs seemed to be very flabby / feeble - why ever?!

Contrary to the bugs the butterflies appealed to be much more active...

...especially this peacock butterfly on the dandelion blossom was a real frantic pollen gatherer and difficult to capture.

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