It was taken by Pete Souza, the newly-announced official White House photographer.
It is the first time that an official presidential portrait was taken with a digital camera.
It was taken by Pete Souza, the newly-announced official White House photographer.
It is the first time that an official presidential portrait was taken with a digital camera.
... und falls er doch nichts taugt, dann war er wenigstens schön anzuschauen. Sehr schön anzuschauen.
AntwortenLöschenSogar der neue first dog, ein Labradoodle, ist ein richtiger Schnuffel.
Ich freue mich auf viele Bilder.
I agree!
AntwortenLöschenI hope he lives up to the hype!
Here, here We all keep our fingers crossed in hope of succes and a brighter future for all of us