Sonntag, 27. April 2008

Gruppo storico Borgomanero su Bad Mergentheim

Borgomanero: twin town of Bad Mergentheim

Several historical groups came together because of the "Deutschmeisterfest" at Bad Mergentheim during the last weekend of April 2008. We got into contact especially with the historical group (gruppo storico) of Bad Mergentheim's twin town Borgomanero because we met them at Nello's Espresso Bar Italia in front of the main entrance of the castle.

2 Kommentare:

  1. old memory show up like the fragrant flowers come out in spring.Enjoy your life!

  2. Anonym2/5/08

    Da wird es einem ja ganz warm ums Herz: Bilder aus der Heimat in Peru angucken. Aber das Deutschordenschloss kann nie mit Machu Picchu mithalten ....

    Lieben Gruss
